Our 18" Obsession telescope & observatory!

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This is where I will share my ideas about helping people discover the connection between the mind, consciousness, astronomy and science fiction.

My Aliens!
Scott Azmus Scott Azmus

My Aliens!

I love meeting aliens and getting involved with the inner workings of their societies. As early as 1970, I remember sitting in a tree house and wishing a spaceship would land in my backyard. (Don’t forget: when I was young, scientists hadn’t ruled out the idea of life on Mars and Venus. People actually wondered about life in Venusian swamps and along the Martian canals!)

Alas, as far as I can tell, no spaceships have touched down even though my enormous, six-acre backyard is totally standing by to service them! (“Why,” my neighbors ask, “do you need a runway, landing lights, and a vertical assembly building?” Or, “Was that Elon Musk over at your house again? How often do billionaires drop by for pointers on rocket ship maintenance?”)

We can’t be alone in this universe. As an astronomer, I’ve observed the Milky Way and distant galaxies for over five decades. No kidding. I glanced through my first telescope in 1972 and ultimately earned my Master Observer’s Certificate in 2019. Along the way, astronomers have discovered several thousand extrasolar planets. Some of these planets are even in their solar system’s Goldilocks zone. (Not too hot, not too cold.) This allows the planet (or moon) to have liquid water at least some time in its year. And water means life. Guaranteed. (Probably.)

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Citizens of Earth: Basic Guidelines for Extraterrestrial Contact.
Scott Azmus Scott Azmus

Citizens of Earth: Basic Guidelines for Extraterrestrial Contact.

Are You Ready for some Out of this World Diplomacy?

Extraterrestrials. First Contact. Aliens. Such concepts have a way of frightening people or making them uncomfortable. But what if I suggested that the truth is much more interesting than fiction? The idea of aliens has been around for as long as humans have existed, and it’s not hard to see why. They are mysterious beings from another world who could be anything at all.

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Insider Secrets to Writing Great Science Fiction Characters (with examples)!

Insider Secrets to Writing Great Science Fiction Characters (with examples)!

Whether you are a writer or a reader, every story must revolve around character and character change. That’s what helps us understand ourselves and what it means to be human. Now, for this to be super useful, I will hit a few characterization basics on the way to naming some examples of my favorite characters from various books, TV, and film.

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